Start by going to the album containing the photos you'd like to reorder.

For iOS

Tap on the three dot icon on the top right side of your screen. This will open the album's options menu.

Select the photo(s) you'd like to reorder, and when ready, tap the Reorder menu item.

In the photo ordering screen, drag the selected photo(s) to their new desired destination in the album (long-press, drag, drop and click on Save).

For Android

Tap the red Manage button on the bottom-right. This will open the album's options menu.

Select the photo(s) you'd like to reorder, and when ready, tap the Reorder menu item.

In the photo ordering screen, drag the selected photo(s) to their new desired destination in the album (long-press, drag and drop).

Batch Reorder

To reorder a batch of multiple photos, tap to select the photos first (there will be a small check sign on each of the photos you selected). Next, long-tap one of them and you’ll see all the selected photos grouped into a bundle with a number tag (the total number of photos selected).

Drag that grouped pack of photos to the desired location in the album and release your finger. The photos will reappear in that new location. When done, tap Save to save the changes.

You can also easily organize your photos by date if you've added them. Just tap to toggle the option on.


Need help and/or have more questions? Contact our support team for further assistance.

This page was last updated in June 2023